Asher Lopez
Asher is the owner - operator of her own consultancy practice Smart People Limited, specialising in the application of the Bridge criteria for performance excellence.
Asher's credentials include:
- 25 years CEO experience in UK and US
- 10 years experience in coaching and consulting to leading UK & US businesses
- Comprehensive and long term real life experience of the sharp end of the business.
- Leading a UK business to finalist status in the UK Quality Foundation Awards programme
- Extensive international benchmarking experience Professional public speaker
- Broad experience accross product and service industries, local and national government functions and not-for-profits.
Charles Butler
Asher is the owner - operator of her own consultancy practice Smart People Limited, specialising in the application of the Bridge criteria for performance excellence.
Asher's credentials include:
- 25 years CEO experience in UK and US
- 10 years experience in coaching and consulting to leading UK & US businesses
- Comprehensive and long term real life experience of the sharp end of the business.
- Leading a UK business to finalist status in the UK Quality Foundation Awards programme
- Extensive international benchmarking experience Professional public speaker
- Broad experience accross product and service industries, local and national government functions and not-for-profits.
Cora Dobbs
Cora is the owner - operator of he own consultancy practice Smart People Limited, specialising in the application of the Bridge criteria for performance excellence.
Cora's credentials include:
- 25 years CEO experience in UK and US
- 10 years experience in coaching and consulting to leading UK & US businesses
- Comprehensive and long term real life experience of the sharp end of the business.
- Leading a UK business to finalist status in the UK Quality Foundation Awards programme
- Extensive international benchmarking experience Professional public speaker
- Broad experience accross product and service industries, local and national government functions and not-for-profits.
Diana Quin
Diana is the owner - operator of he own consultancy practice Smart People Limited, specialising in the application of the Bridge criteria for performance excellence.
Diana's credentials include:
- 25 years CEO experience in UK and US
- 10 years experience in coaching and consulting to leading UK & US businesses
- Comprehensive and long term real life experience of the sharp end of the business.
- Leading a UK business to finalist status in the UK Quality Foundation Awards programme
- Extensive international benchmarking experience Professional public speaker
- Broad experience accross product and service industries, local and national government functions and not-for-profits.
Ellen Forsberg
Ellen is the owner - operator of he own consultancy practice Smart People Limited, specialising in the application of the Bridge criteria for performance excellence.
Ellen's credentials include:
- 25 years CEO experience in UK and US
- 10 years experience in coaching and consulting to leading UK & US businesses
- Comprehensive and long term real life experience of the sharp end of the business.
- Leading a UK business to finalist status in the UK Quality Foundation Awards programme
- Extensive international benchmarking experience Professional public speaker
- Broad experience accross product and service industries, local and national government functions and not-for-profits.
Leonard Monaco
Leonard is the owner - operator of her own consultancy practice Smart People Limited, specialising in the application of the Bridge criteria for performance excellence.
Leonard's credentials include:
- 25 years CEO experience in UK and US
- 10 years experience in coaching and consulting to leading UK & US businesses
- Comprehensive and long term real life experience of the sharp end of the business.
- Leading a UK business to finalist status in the UK Quality Foundation Awards programme
- Extensive international benchmarking experience Professional public speaker
- Broad experience accross product and service industries, local and national government functions and not-for-profits.
Terry Quin
Terry is the owner - operator of he own consultancy practice Smart People Limited, specialising in the application of the Bridge criteria for performance excellence.
Terry's credentials include:
- 25 years CEO experience in UK and US
- 10 years experience in coaching and consulting to leading UK & US businesses
- Comprehensive and long term real life experience of the sharp end of the business.
- Leading a UK business to finalist status in the UK Quality Foundation Awards programme
- Extensive international benchmarking experience Professional public speaker
- Broad experience accross product and service industries, local and national government functions and not-for-profits.